Rebooting Christmas!
Maybe we’re all just trying too hard?
Every year without fail, I have to remind myself not to fall into the many tinselly-traps of the season – trying to make everything perfect and being the perfect parent/daughter/friend/host … and I know from all the discussions I have with patients and friends that I’m far from alone. But then I always try to remember that, amongst other things:
- My family & friends don’t actually, ever expect lots of perfect, expensive and exquisitely wrapped gifts;
- I don’t have to add financial guilt & regret to the New Year hangover;
- And maybe I’m not doomed to repeat these worries into perpetuity.
Less is more. And not aiming for perfection
Here are a few ideas I’ve picked up along the way:
- Re-think previous Christmases – what did you all genuinely enjoy and still actually remember?
- What was a forgettable chore? What was wasted?
- Involve your family with the planning up-front to set expectations. And be honest about any money issues or constraints, you’re all in this together;
- Plan some proper family time – even if it’s just a walk or watching a film together;
- When kids are older, pull names from a hat and just buy for one family-member instead of everyone having to buy for everyone else. Bit of a leap, but so liberating;
- Buy less stuff. Could some gifts be more to do with time? Anything from a fun day-out to membership of a running or photography club, cinema, theatre, garden centre or any activity really. Many clubs are super-cheap to join and others come with benefits that are fun to use, such as free tickets;
- Consider buying used. It is so simple to do and can save a lot of cash.
- Donate to a charity on someone’s behalf instead. Many charities allow you to give homeless people a new start, buy farm tools, fresh water, or even a toilet or for the needy;
For those things you and Santa’s elves can’t fix …
Maybe you or someone you know, finds Christmas a trigger or just difficult, due to loneliness, relationship problems, money worries, bereavement or something else? Whatever the cause, remember you are not alone, there is help for you out there and can help you find it, all year round. includes links to hundreds of local and national groups offering free support and advice about family issues, finances, mental health and so on, many of which you simply won’t be aware of. Treacle is free to use, simple to navigate and has no annoying ads.
Take care out there – wishing you all a very Happy Christmas.