The app is live Like so many people, I often find January and February to be a tough couple of months. But not this year! I am delighted to announce that the Treacle App has launched at last. Just pop…
Being kind to yourself during bereavement. One of the main things I have learnt from listening to attendees of the It’s Worth Talking About peer support groups is that we must try to be kind to ourselves during the grieving…
3 Steps to Kindness
“Are you hungry?” It was these 3 words that set off a catalyst of events that resulted in the creation of The words were uttered after one of the simplest and yet most powerful acts of kindness there is,…
Treacle discussed in Independent Nurse journal
A Blog for the National Academy of Social Prescribing
I am an Advanced Nurse Practitioner working in Primary Care, and in 2020, during the first national lockdown I became increasingly frustrated at the lack of any one site where I could go to find social prescribing help for my…
Social prescribing: supporting older people
Kathy Oxtoby looks at the value of social prescribing for older people, the benefits and challenges of this approach, and how it can help isolated individuals connect with their communities. Enid is 84. She has hypertension and type 2 diabetes,…
A blog about Treacle and social prescribing written for The Queens Nurse Institute.
Social Prescribing in Primary Care
News about Treacle is Spreading
Keighley nurse sets up website to help colleagues prescribe non-medical help By David Knights A HAWORTH nurse has started a website to help patients and fellow professionals find help for a host of health issues. Helen O’Connell’s website…
How it all began
Starting Out (Around Christmas 2019) The quietly spoken patient sitting in front of me had various symptoms, which had not been solved by previous consultations or recent blood test results. As I sat watching her speak the problem dawned on…