There are 34 listings in Youth Clubs
4th Bolsover Scouts
Every year we help dozens of young people in the Bolsover area enjoy new adventures; to experience the outdoors; interact with others, gain confidence [...]
Baildon Community Link
Baildon Community Link is a community centre providing space for activities and services for local people including some activities we run ourselves; including youth [...]
35 Cliffe Avenue, Baildon, Shipley, UK BD17 6NX
Bangladeshi Youth Organisation (BYO)
Bangladesh Youth Organization (BYO) A dedicated platform for youth empowerment, skill development, education, and community engagement. Founded on May 26, 2020, BYO has been [...]
Beavers, Cubs and Scouts
Beavers Cubs and Scouts.
Beavers are young people aged 6 to 8. Cubs are young people aged 8 to 10½.
Tags: meet people, friends, hobbies, children, [...]
Bentham Youth Club
A youth club for children and young people of Bentham.
Tags: friends, make friends, club, activities, hobby, children, teenagers, youth club
Bierley Community Centre
Bierley Community Centre - offering a range of activities, including a youth club.
Tags: warm space, teenagers, hot meals, breakfast, boxing, games, community garden, job [...]
102-104 Bierley House Avenue, Bierley, Bradford BD4 6BU
Bolsover Army Cadets
Bolsover Army Cadets - If you want to aim higher, feel more confident and get a head start on your future join the Army [...]
Bolsover Army Cadets, 47 Moor Lane, Bolsover, Chesterfield, UK
Boza youth Inc
Boza Youth Inc - community youth group held at Bolsover Methodist Church. Ages 10-16
Tags: youth club, teenagers, young people, make friends, activities
Bradford Youth Development Project
Bradford Youth Development Partnership work with young people aged 8-30 years, across the Bradford District.
The Treacle Wheel
Tags: youth, young people, young adults, activities, make [...]
Bradford Youth Players
We combine the best bits of a theatre school and an amateur dramatics group in a youth club setting. All young people are welcome [...]
Kala Sangam Arts Centre, St Peter’s House, 1 Forster Square, Bradford, BD1 4TY
Clayton Estate Community Action Group
Clayton Estate Community Action Group, provides holiday clubs, information, support.
The Treacle Wheel
Tags: activities, children, young people, well being, debt & benefits
Clayton Village Hall
Welcome to Clayton Village Hall, we are located on the outskirts of Bradford 3 miles from the city centre, with easy public transport access [...]
Denholme Youth Cafe
Denholme Youth cafe provides activities for young people in Denholme.
This benefits people that use the Juniors Youth Club, A-team for children over 5 years [...]
Extreme Wheels Roadshow
Extreme Wheels Roadshows provides a large range of extreme, urban activities & pro BMX demo shows.
tags: exercise, young people, teens, youth club, bikes, activities
Glusburn Community and Arts Centre
Glusburn Community and Arts Centre - We have a vast amount of regular activities taking place throughout the year. There is something happening most [...]
Glusburn Community & Arts Centre, Colne Road, Glusburn, North Yorkshire BD20 8FQ
Great Horton Community Hall and Library
Great Horton Community Hall and Library is a great place for the whole community. Lots of group activities and events.
The Treacle Wheel
Tags: community, make [...]
Inspired Neighbourhoods
Mental health support, Youth club, Employment and Education support.
Tags: mental health, youth work, business advice, welfare, housing, debt, fuel poverty advice, advocacy, day care, [...]
Wright Watson Enterprise Centre Thorp Garth, Bradford, BD10 9LD
It’s about me
It’s About Me is a programme for families in Derbyshire to help children and young people have fun, active, and healthy school holidays!
We believe [...]
Keighley Youth Theatre
Members learn drama skills as well as devising performances.
Tags: drama, performance, singing, teen, teen club, youth club
Methodist Church, Oakworth, Keighley BD22 7HN
Lower Grange Youth & Community Centre
Lower Grange Youth & Community Centre - Community Centre offering a diverse variety of activities and services.
Tags: community projects, community action
10 Chaffinch Rd, Bradford, BD8 0RF
MAPA Bradford
Promoting opportunities that enrich and enhance the personal and social development of young people and the community. We run weekly youth clubs too.
Tags: community [...]
1 Coates Street West Bowling Bradford BD5 7DL
Sea Cadets Keighley
Here at Keighley we offer skills and qualifications that could take you around the world. We create a safe, engaging and fun learning environment that [...]
Sedbergh Youth and Community Centre
The Sedbergh Youth & Community Centre is proud to offer a range of holistic, recreational, sports/exercise and support networks to people of all ages, [...]
Sedbergh Centre, Huddersfield Road, Bradford, UK BD6 1BJ
Small World Keighley
From diversionary arts activities to helping navigate the education, employment and housing pathways; to social and emotional support, we have been here for young [...]
St Christopher’s Family Centre
Providing a range of activities and opportunities for parents and children aged 0 – 18. We are also supporting young adults up to the [...]
St. Christophers Church Holme Wood Road Bradford BD4 9EJ
The Bolton Woods Centre
A community centre in Bradford, that offers different sessions and activities for the local community.
The Bolton Woods Centre
tags: community centre, activities, young people, youth [...]
The Millside Centre
The Millside Centre collaborate with a range of strategic organisations, agencies, community groups, and individuals who are committed to supporting vulnerable people in our [...]
The Springfield Centre
The Springfield Centre's mission is to provide the space and opportunity for inclusive recreational, educational, cultural, work readiness, sporting programmes and services, to improve [...]
Wesleys @Baildon Methodist Church
Wesleys @ Baildon Methodist Church - a community hub for Baildon
We are a hub for the whole community of Baildon, providing a warm and [...]
West Bowling Youth Initiative
West Bowling Youth Initiative - Offering young people aged 8 - 25 advice and physical and educational programmes.
Tags: holiday club, jobs, skills, social club, [...]
Parkside Road West Bowling Bradford BD5 8EH
Wrose Adventurers Association
Wrose Adventurers is an association set up for young people aged 11 - 25, with Asperger’s syndrome or high functioning autism.
We are a small [...]
Snowden Road, Wrose, BD18 1JD
YOBS Youth of Barlborough
YOBS Youth of Barlborough. Youth group for 8-16 yr. olds. Pool table, table football, table tennis, games and crafts. In another smaller meeting room [...]
Village hall, High Street S43 4ET