There are 88 listings in Young People
2nd Clowne Scouts
As Scouts, we believe in preparing young people with skills for life. We encourage our young people to do more, learn more and be [...]
The Centre, Recreation Road, Chesterfield, S43 4PL
Bangladeshi Youth Organisation (BYO)
Bangladesh Youth Organization (BYO) A dedicated platform for youth empowerment, skill development, education, and community engagement. Founded on May 26, 2020, BYO has been [...]
Barlborough Junior Football Club
Barlborough Junior Football Club is an amateur sports club.
Tags: football, skills, teamwork, keep fit,
Barlbrough & Spinkhill Scouts
Barlbrough & Spinkhill Scouts
As Scouts, we believe in preparing young people with skills for life. We encourage our young people to do more, learn [...]
Park View, Barlborough, Chesterfield, UK S43 4HJ
Barnardo’s – Bradford Parenting
For parents and carers of children and young people aged 7-18 with an autistic spectrum condition.
Tags: learning disability, disability, disabilities, special needs, SEN, SEND
Unit 40-42 Campus Road Listerhills Science Park BRADFORD West Yorkshire BD7 1HR
Barnardo’s – Bradford SENDIASS
SENDIASS is for parents and carers of children and young people 0-25 with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in the Bradford area - [...]
Unit 40-42 Campus Road Listerhills Science Park BRADFORD West Yorkshire BD7 1HR
Beavers, Cubs and Scouts
Beavers Cubs and Scouts.
Beavers are young people aged 6 to 8. Cubs are young people aged 8 to 10½.
Tags: meet people, friends, hobbies, children, [...]
Bentham Youth Club
A youth club for children and young people of Bentham.
Tags: friends, make friends, club, activities, hobby, children, teenagers, youth club
Bierley Community Centre
Bierley Community Centre - offering a range of activities, including a youth club.
Tags: warm space, teenagers, hot meals, breakfast, boxing, games, community garden, job [...]
102-104 Bierley House Avenue, Bierley, Bradford BD4 6BU
Bradford and Airedale Youth Choir
Youth Choirs for 6-26 year old's. We focus on excellence, fun, opportunities and affordability - because music changes lives.
Tags: meet people, get out more, [...]
Beckfoot School Wagon Lane Bingley BD16 1EE
Bradford Cinderella Club
Improving life for the underprivileged children of Bradford by providing activities, necessities and treats.
Tags: improve life, fun, activities, special events, holiday clubs, youth clubs, [...]
Bradford Cinderella Club 16 Chapel Street Bradford BD1 5DL
Bradford YMCA
Providing support with physical and mental health, education, employment skills and access to real opportunities.
Tags: wellbeing, support, advice, employment, education, health
Culture Fusion Building 125 Thornton Road Bradford West Yorkshire BD1 2EP
Brathay Trust
Brathay Trust runs community programmes for children, young people and families across Yorkshire and Humber. For the last decade, we have been operating out [...]
Brothers & sisters of disabled children & adults
Sibs exists to support people who grow up with or have grown up with a disabled brother or sister. It is the only UK [...]
Calm Harm: Self-Harm Management App
Worried about self-harm? Calm Harm is a free app that helps you manage or resist the urge to self-harm.
Tags: anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, cutting, [...]
Child Autism UK
Child Autism UK helps children with autism achieve their potential. We provide services to enable children to overcome difficulties with communication, learning and life skills [...]
Children and Family Court Support
Cafcass stands for Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service.
Cafcass represents children in family court cases in England. We independently advise the family [...]
Clowne Comets Junior Football Club
Clowne Comets Junior Football Club is a friendly, amateur, community sports club.
Tags: football, skills, teamwork, keep fit,
Coram Voice
Coram Voice will help you if you are in care, leaving care, have or need a social worker. We will get your voice heard, [...]
Derbyshire Army Cadets
Derbyshire Army Cadet Force has locations the length and breadth of the county - both in urban and rural areas. Cadets attend a weekly [...]
Derbyshire Family Health Service
We’re a team of healthcare professionals here to support you and your family as part of the 0-19 year olds free public health and [...]
Bolsover, Chesterfield, UK
Extreme Wheels Roadshow
Extreme Wheels Roadshows provides a large range of extreme, urban activities & pro BMX demo shows.
tags: exercise, young people, teens, youth club, bikes, activities
Families Information Service
Families Information Service - Early education and childcare services are available for all families across the Bradford District. Find information about childcare, education, health [...]
Family Action
Family Action transforms lives by providing practical, emotional and financial support to those who are experiencing poverty, disadvantage and social isolation across the country.
Tags: [...]
Family Rights Group
We are a charity that advises parents, grandparents, relatives and friends about their rights and options when social workers or courts make decisions about [...]
Home Education Creative & Alternative Learning Programme
Home Education Creative & Alternative Learning Programme at The Activity Den in Shipley
Wellcroft House, Wellcroft, Shipley BD18 3RY
Inspired Neighbourhoods
Mental health support, Youth club, Employment and Education support.
Tags: mental health, youth work, business advice, welfare, housing, debt, fuel poverty advice, advocacy, day care, [...]
Wright Watson Enterprise Centre Thorp Garth, Bradford, BD10 9LD
Internet Matters
At Internet Matters, parents and professionals can find the most comprehensive and credible resources, information and support to keep children safe online.
Tags: online safety, [...]
It’s about me
It’s About Me is a programme for families in Derbyshire to help children and young people have fun, active, and healthy school holidays!
We believe [...]
It’s Okay to Say
It’s OK To Say encourages people to speak up and put things in place to support daily needs rather than when things escalate. It’s [...]
JAMES: Youth Crime Prevention
JAMES We engage with young people in the Keighley area on a programme of sport, activities and workshops that focus on decreasing crime and [...]
The Eric Gibbs Centre Frizinghall Road Frizinghall Bradford, Keighley BD9 4JB
Karmand Community Centre
Karmand Community Centre - Community centre providing a range of activities.
Tags: day care, food bank, training, bills, skills, immigration advice, nursery 2-5, youth,
Barkerend Road, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD3 9EP