There are 26 listings in Local Groups
Aire, Wharfe and Craven Counsellling
Aire, Wharfe and Craven Counsellling - Offering both counselling and psychotherapy.
Tags: counselling, well being, support
Treacle wheel
The Cavendish Business Centre, 11-17 Cavendish Street, Keighley BD21 3RB
Andys Man Club
Talking groups for men who have either been through a storm, are currently going through a storm or have a storm brewing in life.
Tags: [...]
Baildon, Shipley & Saltaire Men’s Shed
Connection, conversation and creation – that’s what joining a Men’s Shed is all about.
Men’s Sheds encourage people to come together to make, repair and [...]
Bolsover Kickboxing Academy
The Kickboxing academy offers a mix of traditional and modern Martial arts in a modern fitness environment. The members of our programmes experience a [...]
Bottled Up Blokes
Bottled Up Blokes is a men's support group at the church hall in South Normanton. We try to make the session as relaxed as [...]
Church St, South Normanton, Alfreton DE55 2BT
Bradford Community Group
Bradford Community Group aims to get as much local information to the residents of Bradford as possible. This includes local businesses, foodbanks, crisis numbers, [...]
Breaking the Silence
Confidential counselling for men of Asian, African and African-Caribbean origin, aged 13 and over.
Tags: counseling, support for men, support
Clowne Community Centre
Clowne Community Centre - Venue hire and events , panto, weight watchers, Old Skool disco, sport events, craft fayres, Pomegranate Theatre events, Moosical for [...]
5 Recreation CL, Clowne S43 4PL
Dance United Yorkshire
Dance United Yorkshire positively changes the lives of people through high-quality dance training and performance.
We create bespoke dance projects to meet the needs of [...]
The Kala Sangam Arts Centre St Peter’s House Bradford Yorkshire BD1 4TY BD1 4TY
Field Nurse Health Checks
Field Nurse Health Checks drop-in clinics for members of the Agricultural Community
Pop in today for a blood pressure check or just for a chat.
Many [...]
Lidget Green Healthy Living Centre
We aim to serve the community by delivering a variety of Health improving services. We run the Young Mens Project which provides a place [...]
40 Lidget Place, Lidget Green. Bradford. BD7 2LP
Live Life Better Derbyshire
Live Life Better Derbyshire - We offer help on a wide range of topics including stopping smoking, weight management and advice on how to [...]
Derbyshire, Derbyshire County Council, Room 110, County Hall, Matlock, DE4 3AG DE4 3AG
Maternity Circle – Shipley & Windhill
Providing free information, sessions and support throughout your maternity and parenting journey.
The Shipley & Windhill Maternity Circle offers a safe and welcoming space within [...]
Wellcroft House, Wellcroft, Shipley BD18 3RY
Mentell: Men’s Support Circles
Mentell provides circles for men aged 18+ to talk in a safe and confidential space, free from advice and judgement.
Tags: men's mental health, support [...]
MIND Crisis Cafe
MIND Crisis Cafe offers mental health crisis support and help in a safe, calm and relaxed atmosphere and one-to-one sessions with trained mental health [...]
Luton Crisis Café: Luton Wellbeing Centre, 46-56 Dumfries Street, Luton, LU1 5BP LU1 5BP
Mind In Bradford
Mind In Bradford - The Wellbeing service offers a range of groups and activities for people that are struggling with their mental health.
Including, walking, [...]
Missing Peace
Missing Peace offer a range of services and support to improve your well being.
Tags: mental health, mindfulness, wellbeing, well-being, peer support, support
Airedale Enterprise, Sunderland Street, Worth Way, Keighley, Keighley BD21 5LE
Peer Talk: Depression Peer Support
We are a national charity that provides weekly volunteer facilitated peer support groups for people living with depression, anxiety and related distress.
Tags: mental health, [...]
Pioneer Projects
High quality and carefully managed artist led activities to improve the lives of people living with dementia, their carers and families.
Tags: mental health, wellbeing, [...]
Looking Well Studios King Street Bentham Lancaster LA2 7HG
Primetime Bradford
Primetime Bradford deliver a variety of activities for local children and young people. A key aspect of our project is the use of young volunteers.
Sessions [...]
Relate Bradford & Leeds
Relate Bradford & Leeds is a passionate, and ambitious specialist lead relationship charity, providing a range of systemic counselling services, supporting young children, young [...]
1st Floor, Bradford Trident Business Centre, 11 Edward Street, Wakefield Road Bradford Yorkshire BD4 7BH
Roshni Ghar
Roshni Ghar is a Mental Health charity that provides culturally appropriate, responsive services for South Asian women experiencing mental ill health. You will need [...]
13 Scott Street, Keighley, West Yorkshire BD21 2JH
The Activity Den Health, Fitness & Wellbeing Hub
Classes, sessions and workshops for all ages centred around Health, Fitness and Wellbeing.
Wellcroft House, Wellcroft, Shipley BD18 3RY
Together Women
Together Women - Groups to help women with wellness, life skills, confidence and friendship. As well as help with debt, domestic violence and substance [...]
Carlisle Business Centre, 60 Carlisle Road, Manningham, Bradford BD8 8BD, UK BD8 8BD
Wharfedale Mens Shed
We meet on a weekly basis to enjoy each others company and to hone our joinery, sewing and tea and coffee making skills - [...]
Courthouse Street, Otley
Wilsden Shedders (Mens Shed)
This is a new Men's Shed and is currently at the early stages of development. We meet every other Wednesday. For more information please contact
Email: [...]