There are 22 listings in Mindfulness
Action for Happiness
Action for Happiness - 10 keys to happier living making life happier and more fulfilling.
Tags: depressed, depression, happy, sad, wellbeing, mental health
Treacle wheel
Aire, Wharfe and Craven Counsellling
Aire, Wharfe and Craven Counsellling - Offering both counselling and psychotherapy.
Tags: counselling, well being, support
Treacle wheel
The Cavendish Business Centre, 11-17 Cavendish Street, Keighley BD21 3RB
Andys Man Club
Talking groups for men who have either been through a storm, are currently going through a storm or have a storm brewing in life.
Tags: [...]
Anxiety UK
We offer an extensive range of expert help designed to help you to control anxiety.
Tags: wellbeing, mental health, peer support, anxious, anxiety
Blurt Foundation
Increasing awareness and understanding of depression.
Tags: wellbeing, mental health, peer support, self care, anxiety, depression
Bradford & Craven Talking Therapies
Bradford District and Craven Talking Therapies
NHS service to help you manage everyday problems such as feeling low, having problems sleeping, feeling anxious and experiencing [...]
Somerset House, Manor Lane, Shipley, West Yorkshire, BD18 3BP
Calm Harm: Self-Harm Management App
Worried about self-harm? Calm Harm is a free app that helps you manage or resist the urge to self-harm.
Tags: anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, cutting, [...]
Feeling Good
NHS approved app contains a number of different audio programmes for recovery, everyday relaxation & resilience. Great for sleep too.
Tags: relaxation, mental health, mindful [...]
Headspace: Meditation App Support
Less stressed. More resilient. Happier. It all starts with just a few minutes a day.
Tags: meditation, mindfulness, sleep, relax, stress
Keighley Healthy Living
Keighley Healthy Living - Supporting you to improve your health and wellbeing with an extensive range of groups and activities.
Tags: art, excercise, health, childrens [...]
13 Scott St, Keighley BD21 2JH
Many Hands
A Silsden based craft shop which runs a variety of informal drop in groups as well as crafting workshops.
Tags: crafting workshops, crafting skills
21 Kirkgate, Silsden, Keighley, Silsden BD20 0AJ
Mental Health Foundation
Podcasts, videos, inspiring stories and information about getting help if you're struggling with mental health.
Tags: mental health, anxiety, depression, mental problems, stress, panic attacks
Mindfulness UK free sessions
Live mindfulness and fitness sessions, open to all supporting positive change, resilience and self-care.
Tags: mindfulness, wellbeing, mental health
Oxford Mindfulness Foundation The Wheelhouse Angel Court 81 St Clements Oxford OX4 1AW
No Panic: Empowering Self-Improvement
Self-help recovery, providing people with the skills they need to manage their condition and work towards recovery, enabling them to lead more fulfilled lives.
Tags: [...]
Purple Patch Arts
Purple Patch Arts deliver innovative, inclusive, creative learning experiences with and for learning-disabled and autistic people across Yorkshire.
Restore Recovery College
We are here to bring you services and courses that are available in the local area; to you. We offer classes such as knitting, [...]
Bizspace, Knowles Lane, Bradford, BD4 9SW
Scholemoor Beacon
Scholemoor Beacon - A hub for local people to learn, grow and enjoy.
Tags: community center, wellbeing, employment, jobs, cv writing, children's play, seated exercise,
Dracup Ave, Bradford. BD7 2RJ
St Hugh’s Community Centre
The St Hugh's Centre offers the local community a variety of clubs, activities, community services, opportunities to socialize, adult learning courses and a venue [...]
Coach Road, Baildon, Shipley, UK BD17 5HS
The Girlington Centre
The Girlington Centre - We are a local community hub, providing services such as advice, mental health & wellbeing.
Tags: poverty, advocacy, information, education, training, [...]
Girlington Road, Bradford, BD8 9NN
The Humble Warrior
Learn how to slow down your mind and walk without purpose. Walks take place monthly across Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire.
Tags: spiritually healing, yoga, mindfullness
The Snug Yoga Studio, Unit 5, Creative Suite, Mill 3, Pleasley Vale NG19 8RL NG19 8RL
Whitwell Community/Friendship Hall
Whitwell Community/Friendship Hall. Community centre offering a wide range of activities.
Tags: coffee mornings, community choir, women's institute, brass band, scout group, music festivals, yoga, [...]
Whitwell Friendship Hall Bakestone Moor, Whitwell S80 4Q
Wilsden Village Hall
Community Centre providing facilities for diverse groups and activities. Such as, a walking group, fitness classes, dancing, indoor bowls, art group, youth club, lunch [...]
Townfield, Wilsden, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD15 0HT