CTI 2000 Ilkley
CTI 2000 (Community Through Inclusion) is a small local charity based in Ilkley that provides social activities, recreation, learning and leisure opportunities for adults (18+) with learning and various other disabilities.
It does this through popular weekly social activity groups including its Allotment Project, Buzz/Supper Club and Contact Group.
Members pay small fees to attend these groups to cover the running costs of venues, food and part-time staff.
All groups/activities are delivered by trained part-time staff with the support of a dedicated team of volunteers. The groups are well attended and received by members, some of whom have been attending for 15 years or more and they provide valuable opportunities to socialise and participate in leisure opportunities. We also run outings and activity days during the course of the year.
tags: learning disabilities, adults, opportunities, activities, volunteer, make friends, support