Forest University
Forest University helps adults with disabilities learn Forest School skills, build confidence levels and socialise in an outdoor environment.
Forest School sessions but for grown ups! These sessions are aimed at adults with disabilities and will use the Forest School ethos that it is the ‘process’ and not the end product that is important. People will learn to; work together, build trust in one another, have a go without feeling under pressure to ‘be the best’, share tasks, and enjoy the outdoor environment.
Adults will have the opportunity to learn how to; light fires without matches, cook outdoors using vegetables grown themselves, keep chickens, collect fresh eggs and cook them, learn simple knots, learn simple woodworking skills from volunteers and go on to share those skills with others, learn to build useful furniture and raised beds. Take notice of flora and fauna and learn their names. This will be a very informal group where people can come and take part and have a go or simply come along to meet new people and socialise.
Tags: wellbeing, well-being, exercise, friendship