There are 7 listings in schools
DEBP – Direct Educational Business Partnership
DEBP are a Charitable Incorporated Organisation. We registered with the Charities Commission in March 2021 after transitioning from DEBP Ltd, a social enterprise which [...]
Feeling Good
NHS approved app contains a number of different audio programmes for recovery, everyday relaxation & resilience. Great for sleep too.
Tags: relaxation, mental health, mindful [...]
M&S Archive
Our interactive exhibition is a playful space for families, adults and community groups. We offer free learning resources for families and those working with [...]
M&S Archive, University of Leeds, Woodhouse, Leeds, UK LS2 9LP
Premier League Primary Stars
Equip pupils with the skills to build their self-esteem and encourage them to be kind to themselves. Hear from professional footballers and coaches about [...]
Primetime Bradford
Primetime Bradford deliver a variety of activities for local children and young people. A key aspect of our project is the use of young volunteers.
Sessions [...]
TLG Make Lunch
Free Food and Activity clubs to support families during the school holidays
Tags: warm space, hunger, poverty
Hope Park, Bradford BD5 8HH
We Are Stronger Charity
We are Stronger, we are an Anti-bullying charity. Our aim is to help those who are targets of bullying through support, prevention and cooperation [...]